ikebana and life in japan

a blog about ikebana and life in japan


Ikebana Arrangements by My Students

I thought I would share some pictures of some of the ikebana arrangements that my students do during their lessons. I have a couple of intermediate students and many beginning students. I try to teach them according to their ability, yet give them a challenge each week during their lesson.

There is a mix of the seasons along with a mix of forms and styles.

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoy teaching!

Inclining Form

Inclining Form

Rising Form

One-Row Form

One-Row Form

Radial Form

Circular Form

Circular Form (from above)

One-Row Form

One-Row Form

Circular Form

Heika, Upright Style

Upright Style

Rising Form

Rising Form

Rising Form

Inclining Form

Inclining Form

Rising Form

Rising Form

Radial Form

Inclining Form

Inclining Form

Radial Form

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